Tuesday, July 24, 2007


it makes me laugh...maybe you need to be asking someone else for what your wanting...because I owe you nothing... now go on...get a life now... there ya go...

so yeah, work... fun.

Some stuff we do while on the job...

have formal dinners with the kids...we have to be their servers...

a random picture from that...

what makes me laugh most is andrew's pink crocs in the background.

about two weeks...

and I'll be in the lovely OKY hanging with the lovely you...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

dang it...

Sorry that I'm so bad at updating this thing. I'm busy. It's been fun. Andy was out here for a good chunk of time and that was awesome. I think he's cool.

We did eat in and out 3 times while he was here, and I think I've had my share of in and out for the summer. Probably not just in and out, but burgers also. It was good though.

So, there's work drama too. The guy I have to spend the most time with (the climbing instructor) and I just don't get along. It sucks. I feel like I should be able to be at least civil with someone right? and work with them... Nope. Not this guy. So now, this next two week session is going to be all switched up. I won't have to work with him as much. This kind of sucks because that means I'm not going to be doing as many climbing classes. :(. Oh well...it's better than putting up with his antics.

There's just those people in life you meet that you just completely clash with. He's got the personality type I clash with. That's sad.

Oh well, there's just 3 weeks left of summer...

That's exciting.

So what's going on with you?