Wednesday, April 12, 2006

so yeah...

I'm a bit late in writing about this, but that's how it goes. I just wanted to say something. As most of you know, I went to Cumberland College in Kentucky for a bit of time. I liked it there. It was nice.

Well, apparantly something controversial has happened. A student got kicked out of the university because he had put that he was gay on his myspace profile. I guess somebody had printed out his profile or something like that and taken it to the dean.

My thoughts...
He probably should not have put that he was gay on myspace, especially when the school handbook says that anybody participating in homosexual activitiy or premaritial sex could be kicked off campus.

I still don't think he should be kicked out. I don't care if it is a Christian institution. Yeah, the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. However, we are all sinners. I guess that everybody needs to get kicked out of Cumberland.

This issue now has gained national attention. It's just another case for non-Christians to say that Christians are not tolerant.

It sort of is sickening to me. I mean, the university should have had more love. Maybe, then, the student could have seen Christ's love. What they did was not love. What they did was another ignorant action by Christians.

Wasn't there something better that could have been done?

Should all churches automatically ban homosexuals from entering the doors? While they are at it, go ahead and ban all the alcoholics, all the people "living in sin." Who then are we suppose to minister to? If Christians ban all of the sinners, what will there be?

There will just be this little Christian bubble. You can't associate with any of them unless you yourself are perfect.

It sort of reminds me of the story of the group of people that were going to stone an adulturous woman. Jesus bent down and started writing on the ground. One by one, the men put down their stones and left. Jesus then told the lady to "Go, and sin no more." I wonder what he was writing on the ground.

That's my two cents for the day.


Anonymous said...

"Wasn't there something better that could have been done?"

Yes, they could stop being a Christian school and following ridiculous archaic teachings that they contort for their own corrupted uses. But I agree that the sexual orientation of an individual is no basis for expulsion.

While Jesus did in fact get everyone to abstain from stoning the woman, with the famouse phrase "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her," this is direct contradiction to Old Testament law, which Jesus promotes quite heavily in other sections of the bible (Mark 7:9-10, Matthew 5:7, 15:4-7).

In fact, some scholars believe that this story wasn't even included in the original bible, possily because of the lack of harsh treatment regarding sexual sinners, as this would be considered a "bad example" for Christians. Yet another example of trying to teach morality through fear and punishment instead of from upbringing and life experience.

More info on this verse can be found at the following links:

um... yeah... said...

national attention? good grief. yeah, as if more negative attention is what christianity needed.

i completely agree with your statement that if he gets kicked out, everyone should b/c we all sin. but the stick-up-the-ass "christian elite" people will say that he's in a "lifestyle of sin", that daily he chooses to live "outside of the will of God" where apparently our decisions to lie and cheat and steal, etc etc are just accidents - like we're not choosing to do those things! it's just b/c his is more obvious, and that makes me crazy.

the more i get outside of my bubble and the more gay people i meet the more i realize how small-minded and retarded it is to think that every homosexual person thinks, "hey, instead of liking men, i'll like women" or vice versa. i mean, no more than me deciding i would like dudes instead of chicks! sure maybe you could argue that particular events in a child's life could lead them one way or another (lack of a certain gender parental figure, etc), but good grief.

i'll stop...

rose said...

I love you tyana...your a girl...ooohhh that bad of me? Well I guess I love you in a "I don't want to make out with you" sort of way!!!


Anonymous said...

The one thing that can be said, at least in one respect the church is holding it's persons accountable. One could argue that the school is not holding it's fundemantals in account by allowing sexually immoral persons to attend. The school may not want the reputation of being a gay friendly school.

I agree with what both parties are saying on this argument.

Our church (all denominations) has grown lax and has not held it's followers in account to what they have done. At least the school is trying to do that. Whether we like it or not.

Again before you bash, I agree with both arguments. Yes we should show the love and say hey we forgive. Yes we should also say it is not right to lay with another man. It is wrong to continue to commit the same sin everyday (blasphamey) and shame the father. You can not be a christian and commit the same sin everyday. As a Christian you are suppossed to change from the sin you commit when you ask for forgiveness. You don't get to do it again. That is the part you forget to talk about when Jesus said cast the stone if any of you are without sin. He took the prostitute away and told her to not do this anymore. Jesus healed more than just bodies... He healed souls. Obviously this student did not want to be healed.

Anonymous said...

The student didn't want to be healed? As if he is sick or something? Homosexuality can be healed? This is news to me. Seriously now. I'm straight but I firmly believe that people who are homosexual do not in any way choose their lifestyle, it's out of their control. Should the school have kicked the kid out, I dunno. I mean rules are rules and since they are a private school they can do that. It mkes Christians look bad which is unfortunate but there's not much any of us can do about it. Just pray that kid can move on from this and that one day we will find a cure for homosexuality. Surely there has to be some pill out there that he can take, right? Maybe some counseling and a good long stay in a mental instutution would heal him? I'm sure the NIH would glady fund this much needed research to find a cure for homosexuality.

rose said...

haha...a cure for homosexuality. Maybe a little pink pill...Sarah...get on the research. You're the biologist. :)

Anonymous said...

Christians need to be "cured" before homosexuals do.

Anonymous said...

i feel the need to comment simply because i talked to my cousin, who is a freshman at cumberland, about this over the weekend. random note i guess students are protesting by wearing shirts that say "i love my gay friend." anyway, what i have to say is this-i don't understand why he would want to go to a private, Christian school to begin with, but that's something he knows and i don't. by choosing to go to a private school that makes its students agree to not indulge in certain behaviors, it is his own fault for getting kicked out. i'm not saying anything against homosexuality or promoting the fact that we as Christians should stay away from all homosexuals. we should show them the love of Christ just like everyone else, but that is not the issue with this cumberland student. the issue is, by being a student at cumberland, he agreed to not participate in certain ways of life. he failed to uphold his agreement, and therefore, he was rightfully expelled. if he didn't want to follow what cumberland expected from its students, then he could have gone to a different school. that is all i have to say. hopefully i didn't just make myself look stupid. haha.