Sunday, April 01, 2007

leaving on a jet plane...

wish it was today...and not tuesday.

oh well.

every single one of you suck. I asked for read...and then you didn't comment. Come on know that my self-worth comes from the comments people leave me. I mean, I did get some response, and it was in the form of myspace messages...what??? You know, you don't have to have an account to comment.

I just ate a whole bunch. We had a bbq here at camp. It was good...I'm just not so much looking forward to going to the beach tomorrow...

Which I am!!! It's gonna be fun...but still I wish it was tuesday... :(

So yeah, life is good...

I keep walking around with a silly grin on my face. I know why...but still I get pissed at myself. That's just how I am...crazy... I promise.

Well, not crazy...but definitly quirky. I like it that way. I wouldn't be the Rose you know and love otherwise.

Did I tell you I got a kick ass bike for cheap??? I think I did...but I thought I would tell you again. I keep riding it around in circles in the parking lot...I feel like a little kid of Christmas.'s funny. I'm not so good at trails though. I ran into a tree yesterday. I couldn't dodge it...damn manzanita...I just kept yelling explictatives when I lost the trail and was dodging trees...couldn't get pass this one though. I'm not the smartest girl in the world...I'll give you that...

Riding a bicycle is hard though...

hills are rough...and I need a helmet. did just eat way too much.

Really, I wonder if people actually read this... I mean I just looked at my blog...and it was at 20000 visitors...that's a lot. Of course, most of those were from this blog's hay day...not too many people read it these days. I'm ok with that...I mean...I really am...I'll still write...

as long as it doesn't get as lame as Asher's blog. Just kidding Asher...I love know that.

Well, at least I know Asher still reads the blog.

My dad randomly decided to retire...leave it to my dad to do that...he's a crazy kid. Would you expect any less???


Alright...I need to go now...hanging with the ever so cool ben tonight...

by the way...I'm in a good mood...


... said...

Hey you're not kidding! I think we're all aware of the lameness...ivity... of my blog. I wish I went mountain biking on trails, and climbing, and, well, basically my life's just not that exciting.

Unknown said...

I hope you get a helmet and are being safe. Protect that noggin of yours. Your dad is retiring? Seriously? Isn't he a little young?