Thursday, December 13, 2007


My sister is pregnant. My LITTLE sister is pregnant. Not only has she been married for two years, but now she's pregnant. Good for her. She's 23. I could not even imagine being pregnant at 23. I can't even imagine being pregnant at 25. Actually, I can't even really imagine being pregnant. Maybe my parents will get off my back about getting married and producing them grandbabies. I'm glad my sister is fulfilling their wishes and I can remain as I am without harassment (hopefully).

So, Christmas is nearly here. I haven't done much shopping. I need to. I'm excited to see my family. I haven't lived around them for about a year now. It's weird not seeing my dad that often. We used to at least have lunch or something every week. Usually, we saw each other more than once a week. I miss him. I miss my sister, too, but she hasn't lived around me for a loooong time. Crazy girl. Living in Montana. I see my mom on a normal basis. We never were ones for hanging out often. I plan on spending Christmas morning/afternoon at her house...and Christmas Eve at my dad's house. I miss my Grandma too. I used to see her a lot. I wish I could see her more. I think Andy's going to be with me at Christmastime this year. It's not a normal thing for me to have a boyfriend with me on Christmas. Ok...not normal AT ALL. I think I'm even going to be tagging along with him on his family Christmas stuff. That's even less normal.

I like him alright.

Wow, this is boring boring boring.



Unknown said...

Becca is PREGNANT??? OMG how exciting!

Anonymous said...

OMG you have a sister in Montana??? Congrats to her, but like you, I can't imagine being pregnant either!


... said...

Congratulations! Good luck fulfilling your Auntitude. I don't rap about my nephew enough; I think I'll post some pictures of him.

Oh, I can't imagine being pregnant either.

Unknown said...

Britney Spears little sister is pregnant too! Y'all should like totally be best friends.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Sarah, I saw her picture and thought "that looks like the hot "one more time" era Britney..." then I read the headline "Britney's 16yo sister is pregnant"

16 years old?!? It dawns on me I am 32, officially twice her age! I haven't been able to shake this "OMG now I'm the old perv guy" feeling ever since!