Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I can't believe it's been a week!

How did that happen? I have left all of my faithful readers at the edge of their seats just waiting for another update. Well, here it is! Jump up and down in the air and let a small cheer. Alright, now that we have that out of our systems...

I moved this weekend. That was an ordeal. I am now living with Lindsey, the girl I was already living with, and with Lynsey, a friend from the south side. It's good time. Lindsey has a dog Louie, and Lynsey has a cat Cheesecake. I have no pets. I don't want any pets. Cheesecake is funny. Cheesecake attacked Louie when he first met him. So anyway, it's going to be good times. It's a big house. I'm happy. It's nice to have a porch and a yard and real neighbors with real houses.

So moving in was an experience. I sort of felt like I was moving back into the dorms. I don't know. Lindsey has these couches that are way past their prime. We decided it would be best if they spent the remainder of their lives in the basement. The loveseat went in fine, but it took 45 minutes to get the couch in. It got stuck. Finally, we had to resort to the use of force (a hammer borrowed from one of the neighbors) to get it unstuck. Well, we were trying to get the couch through a door to the basement was outside. There was a narrow staircase that we had to go down. This staircase happened to be in the Greek lady's yard. So we are hammering away, and she comes outside. This is how it's going to be. The Greek lady is always going to be around.

Moving on...

Sadly, I don't think anyone realizes how cool my duck is. If you are confused, read the previous post. I mean, look at the picture! The duck's head is on backwards and it came that way! I won it at a carnival, I think in a the duck pond or something. I could have had my pick of any inflatable toys. This one caught my eye. He had been around for a while. He was all dusty and such, and I saw a small tear in his eye. I had to take him. Now, it is time for him to move to another home. I want a bike. I think the keyboard may be the best offer. Are their anymore offers? I'll throw in an alarm clock.

Have a good day!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

youre scitzophrenic and boring

rose said...

please back up your statement. If you know me, I don't know how you can say I'm boring. Scitzophrenic? Well...I do do math.

um... yeah... said...

your duck is disturbing. :)

rose said...

So...I'm guessing you don't want the duck?

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to leave a random post. Pacers Played Good last night.
