Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Oh myspace.

It is a time waster. It's fun. You get to reconnect. It's also terrible. Creepy guys hit on you. There's myspace drama. It's just crazy.

Am I in your Top 8? Your my number 1 friend. Oh, the conversation can go on for hours. I am so glad that Myspace put the Top 8 feature in. I mean, now I can proclaim to the world who my #1 friend is. By the way, Tyana is at the top of mine. Followed by Tony, and so on. I mean, there are even surveys associated with your top 8. It asks questions such as: Have you ever seen #4 naked? Have you ever kissed #2? Did you ever date #7? on and on and on.

Then the conversations about myspace start overtaking every day normal conversation. You know there is a problem then. Oh, I just put so and so in my top 8. I deleted her. She's not my friend anymore. Oh? You have myspace? Oh I am soo going to add you.

There are those people who won't join. They are anti-myspace. They don't want to give in. They say: Myspace spreads AIDS. Wha??? They just don't want to get into the trend. They will do it I say. It will happen. Why not join? It's a great way to stay connected with people you never see.

I do love this blog more than myspace. I get happy when people comment on here. It motivates me to write. That's pretty sad isn't it? I love it though. I had the fortune thing on the last post. Lynsey commented on my MYSPACE page with what her comment said. I need all my comments in one place. Then I feel like I have more. That's so idiotic, I know. My Myspace is stealing my Blogger's comments. That's sad.

Wow. This post is just about as random as it could be. So yeah, myspace. Any other input? I think if you don't have myspace, you should get it. I so totally would be your friend.

In other news:

My sister is home from Kuwait. We had her wedding reception on Sat. It was fun.

I move in 3 weeks and that makes me super happy

I hope the Pacers don't make the Playoffs because they shouldn't.

There was a big storm on Sunday night. I thought our roof was going to blow off. Our electricity went off, and it didn't come on until sometime after 9 in the morning Monday. Crazy crazy. I like storms though. They are quite fun. I mean, even though I was afraid the roof was going to blow off, my roommate, my sister, her husband, and I were all huddled around the open door watching the storm. Fun times.

So yeah, have a good day.


Anonymous said...

I hate myspace, I mean active hate, like there are things that shouldn't exist in this world like meth, child pornography and myspace.



rose said...

wow...that's a crazy site.