Tuesday, August 01, 2006

i really need to get better at updating this thing.

My cousin got married this weekend. Yay her! I have all kinds of fun pictures, they just aren't online yet. It was good times. Great times I tell ya! I was a bridesmaid, and my dress was crazy tight. I could not move very well. It looked really cute though.

Sunday morning, I did a marathon relay race. It was fun. The only drawback is I got hardly any sleep saturday night. I got home late and had to get up so early. Our team consisted of John (the owner of Reese), Helen (a lady from the athletic annex club), me, and the Brian Tuteur. Brian was a pretty fast cookie...even out of shape. After the race, I took a short nap and then had to work at the Cheese. By the time I was done with my shift, I was soo ready to go home and go to bed. I'm not sure I have been that exhausted in a looong loong time.

So today, I went running. It was freaking hot! Afterwards, I headed down to the south side to meet up with some friends at the Garden where I guess the grow the Olives...on the way down, I started feeling sort of sick. I thought I just needed some water or something. I got down there, as soon as I got in the restaurant, I went to the bar to get some water. I still felt like poo. I went to the bathroom to change clothes and I puked. I thought that would make me feel better. I sat down at the table and I still felt and looked like crap. I said "sorry guys, I think I need to go home..." I go out to my car and car up the Tuteur. I told him how I puked from running (or really the heat). He said when you run in heat like this make sure you drink Gatorade. I said I had my recovery drink. He said something about my blood sugar being out of whack. I thought...oh! my recovery drink had no sugar in it. I decided to go back in the restaurant and order a coke and some orange juice. I felt better immediately. It was amazing! I have never experienced anything like that before in my life. Brian's the best. I'm glad he's had some experience with this.

So yeah, I'm running a marathon in January. There will be a whole post dedicated to this next time. I'm going to do it with Team in Training. They raise money for leukemia and other cancers of the blood. I'm going to have to raise money. I could use all the help I could get. I have a special website where you can go and donate money. I would love each and every one of you if you gave even a dollar. I may even be inclined to throw in a free cookie. If you can give more than a dollar...that would be great too. :). Like I said, I'm going to throw out a more detailed post soon. Right now, my little thermometer is at zero. I need to get started!!! Help me please. I will love you!

Here's the link.


How is everybody doing!!!


Anonymous said...

im surprised with all the running u did thats the first time u experienced the puking. i drink a moutaindew and a gatorade after every run. if i dont i will get the worst headache and puke. then again it does get pretty hot out here. also im going to donate money so u better send me cookies.

rose said...

I will so totally send you cookies...you need to give me your address because i dont have it.

Anonymous said...

It probably wasn't a simple sugar issue, your liver and pancreas can take care of that balance for you. More likely you were flushing electrolytes, sounds like all the right conditions and symptoms.

From wikipedia's electrolytes entry:

"Nutritional significance

In oral rehydration therapy, electrolyte drinks containing sodium and potassium salts are used to replenish the body's water and electrolyte levels after dehydration caused by exercise, diaphoresis, diarrhea, vomiting or starvation. Giving pure water to such a person is not the best way to restore fluid levels, because it dilutes the salts inside the body's cells and interferes with their chemical functions. This can lead to water intoxication.

Sports drinks such as Gatorade or Lucozade are electrolyte drinks with large amounts of added carbohydrates, such as glucose, to provide energy. The drinks commonly sold to the public are isotonic (with osmolality close to that of blood), with hypotonic (with a lower osmolality) and hypertonic (with a higher osmolality) varieties available to athletes, depending on their nutritional needs.[1]

Because sports drinks contain very high levels of sugar, they are not recommended for regular use by children. Rather, specially-formulated pediatric electrolyte solutions are recommended. Sports drinks are also not appropriate for replacing the fluid lost during diarrhea. The role of sports drinks are to inhibit electrolyte loss, but are insufficient to restore imbalance once it occurs. Medicinal rehydration sachets and drinks are available to replace the key electrolyte ions lost. Dentists recommend that regular consumers of sports drinks observe precautions against tooth decay.

Electrolyte and sports drinks can be home-made by using the correct proportions of sugar, salt and water."


Anonymous said...

So you "car up the tuteur." I've never been carred up before and i dont remeber being carred last night so it must not have been that fun.