Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I knew my math degree would be usual for something...

You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!

Oh yeah!!!!
So the Elmo costume...random isn't it? I started out in overalls...but somehow it turned into the nurses costume. Awesome. Speaking of awesome costumes....
Check this out...
Captain Crunch is Brian T.'s little brother...Robbie...he is crazy...
Alright...I must go to class now...


Anonymous said...

damn! doing math in base ten is harder than I remember. 10/10 but it took me about 4 minutes to finish.


rose said...

Ha...good job Thom!!!!

Anonymous said...


A 10 question quiz in binary for you!


... said...

Back in 8th grade, the only bra I eva saw was an alge-bra.
(pause for cricket chirps)

I think I'll give this test to my roommate and see how he does... Takin all bets! 100:1 odds that he does worse than 6/10... cause he didn't get this joke I thought up:

Why didn't the chicken go to the party?

No one likes a party fowl.