Friday, June 16, 2006

what's better than going on a bike ride?

So yesterday, I got to have some nice quality time with the South Side Lynsey (and the North Side one too).

The plan was to go on a bike ride. Well, Southside and I were. I had already ran quite a few miles. I smelled. I smelled BAD. You can ask Southside about that...she'll agree. Don't worry. I did shower. Anyway, Southside and I decided not to bike ride. Instead, we decided it would be nice to eat junk food and watch a movie. That's what we did.

We went to the store and bought two bags of chips and some ranch dip. We had called on someone else to bring dessert stuff over. So, we went home, and while we were waiting, we tore into the chips. It's sort of scary how many chips we ate. We were HUNGRY. Once the other food got there, we had some Zebra Cakes, some wine, some twizzler's pull and peel, and some ice cream. WEll, we never actually made it to the ice cream. Maybe some other time.

So then, we watched Pride and Prejudice. It was good. It was a nice little girly movie night.

One other thing, OUR COUCH IS AWESOME. We had four people sitting on the couch and there still was room to be sort of spread out. At one point in the night, six people were over. I am sure we all could have sat on there.

Wow. I am sure that you are very excited about our couch now. Maybe I am a bit too excited.


Anonymous said...

My couch is the shiznit!!!


I feel guilty...I need to run...or walk...or simply just shuffle around...but no...I'm stuck at this FREAKIN' desk all DAY LONG!!! Grrrrrrrr.......

rose said...

i will run a mile in your's that?

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes....that couch is great. I've slept on it several times. Me and Cheesecake bonded on it when he was merely a kitten. : )