Sunday, March 12, 2006

I'm going to take a crack at it...

A couple posts ago, I asked for ideas for stuff to write about. This is one that I got:

Topic: 1980's era Gummi Bears, and their impact on present-day politics

Hmmm...I may need to do some research. I was not aware that 1980's era Gummi Bears were much different than they are now.

Ok, I just did some Google research. Turns out there was a t.v. show called Gummi Bears. Is that what you are talking about? I never saw this show.

If you would like to take a look at this show, I will provide you with a link to check out a brief synopis along with some other basic facts.

Here it is

How this show (or the candy) affected politics, I can't tell you. Any ideas? Did anybody see this show?

Alright, moving on.

Actually, that's all I have to say for the day. It's Sunday. I should be resting.

Oh wait, one more thing...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONY! You are my hero. :) You are so old now...a whopping 25 years.


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