Friday, March 10, 2006

Roe V. Wade for men

So, apparently when it comes to unplanned pregnancy, men want their rights too.

Check this article out: yeah, this one.

Weird. So a woman has the choice to either abort a pregnancy, give the baby up for adoption, or keep the baby. These men feel that if the woman they impregnate decides to keep the baby, and the man does not want the baby, he should not feel like he is personally responsible to support the child in any way.

I wonder how this will play out. I don't think our court system will let this fly. If you get a woman pregnant, be willing to face the consequences. Maybe you should have done something differently in the first place to not get the woman pregnant.

What are your thoughts on this guys? Do you think that if a girl wants to get an abortion and the guy does not want her to get it, the guy should be able to force her to have the child because he wants it, and then she won't be financially responsible at all? I don't think that would fly either.

I think that men should just count this as a case lost and realize THEY aren't the ones carrying the baby. I little check every month isn't all that bad is it?

Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

OK, I will be the first man to post my thougts. Whenever I am asked my opinion about abortion I have ONE thing go through my mind, of course it is a movie scene:

----- Pulp Fiction -----
Vincent turns to the backseat with the .45 casually in his grip.

VINCENT Marvin, what do you make of all this?

MARVIN I don't even have an opinion.

VINCENT C'mon, Marvin. Do you think God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets?

Vincent's .45 goes BANG!

Marvin is hit in the upper chest, below the throat. He GURGLES blood and SHAKES.
---- Thank you Mr. Tarantino -----

ps I'm Marvin, I don't even have an opinion. I would rather get shot in the throat than have to pick a side.


rose said...

Thanks Thom! I wouldn't ever shoot you in the throat...I am that way about a lot of things...I have no opinion.