Tuesday, October 17, 2006

a night post...what?

I don't think I've written anything at night in a while. Maybe that's why all my posts suck these days. For some reason, I got in the mood to write on there.

Maybe it's because of a few things. First off...frozen grapes. I ate a whole bunch of them tonight. They bring to mind a pretty funny incident from last fall...I think I wrote about it. Let me check.

Yep...there was someting...in this post....saying this:
Speaking of that whiteboard...last week I was showing this girl how to prove that a limit is equal to whatever. (If you want to know how to do this yourself...just see this post) I told her i was going to do it on the whiteboard because it's "pretty much the coolest thing ever." The girl was kind of weird...and a little rude...and she said. "you think that it is the coolest thing ever?" as though I was being serious or something. I looked at her and said "well I mean...it's not the coolest thing ever..." Then she asked me if it was better than sex. WTH? (that's what the heck...I stole it from Laura Hash...I thought it was funny)

Ok, so now you're wondering...hmm...that doesn't say anything about frozen grapes. Well, after this conversation, I was conversing with Amy. (she's cool). She pointed out that frozen grapes definately were better than sex. Ha. It was good stuff. We laughed a lot. I don't think I helped her out much in Calculus. Did I Amy? :) Have you guys ever had frozen grapes? Try them and see for yourself. Also, try writing on a white board the size of a wall. I still think that it's the coolest thing ever. Yeah...well...moving on.


Oh Thom...do you remember Srini? I mean, of course you remember Srini. For those of you who don't know this guy (Srini), he was funny. I don't think he liked me much. I told him knock knock jokes, and it would make him angry. Ha. I haven't talked to him in a long time...I wonder if he would like to hear a knock knock joke. Anybody have a good one? So yeah, Srini was completely shocked that i had never seen Star Wars. He even asked me how I could call myself an American.

Well...ready for it? I have now seen one of the Star Wars episodes. Man, sort of sad...now I can't say I've never seen Star Wars. That day is over in my life. It's a monumental moment. Ok, maybe not that monumental...but lots of people have tried to get me to watch it with no success...

I like this guy:

He makes funny noises.


Lemon Poppyseed Cliff Bars...no good. Don't eat them.


I'm running a half marathon on Saturday. Should be good times.


After that...my dear friend Jessica is getting married!!!! I love her. The guy she is marrying...John...he's nice too. They have a cute story.



um... yeah... said...

i like frosted mini wheats.

rose said...

so, when I got your comment via my e-mail, it seemed so random...and it made me laugh. I'm not really sure why...

Anonymous said...

But which Star Wars? I really hope you started with 4 (aka IV, aka ANH)

Srini and I still chat every now and again, he is now in our Southfield office (Detroit) so I even see him in the GR office from time to time. I love the "bug stuck in ear" story, makes me laugh outload everytime I think of it.

OK, so this girl insults you about the whiteboard? WTF??? What does she have that's cooler? Some Hello-Kitty this or Power Puff that, some bad midi of a rap song on her crappy cell phone? No whiteboards aren't "better" than sex, but sex is much improved because of whiteboards exist! Think about it, if we didn't have whiteboards to explain things we would have to write 6 page emails to explain even simple things, it would stress us out and take up all our time, thus less and likely worse sex for everyone. Who the hell does she think she is to question whiteboards?

If we just had the ultimate alcohol marker to go along with our whiteboards... it will happen in our lifetimes....


Anonymous said...

I'd totally opt for sex over frozen grapes, unless I was in the MAC.

Anonymous said...

Me: Knock, Knock

You: Who's There?

Me: Gorilla

You: Gorilla Who?

Me: Gorilla me a humburger. I'm hungry!

rose said...

that's awesome.

... said...

What a wookie!!!
I would put the frozen grapes to the side of the bed so they would be thawed in the heat of passion, then my lover and I would eat them while we watched... um... Letterman. Sorry, writer's cramp.

Me: Knock knock
You: Who's there?
Me: Orange
You: (sigh) orange who?
Me: Orange you gonna gorilla adam a hamburger?