Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So, I'm sitting here working in the computer lab. In the computer lab, I help people with their Maple projects. Maple is a program that allows you to make various math functions and such the like. Calculus students have to do these projects. Everybody is doing their first project right now. All they have to do is follow the steps word for word. So, the first step is to type your name and your date. This is what it looks like:

> # your name and today's date

So, some kid needs help printing is maple project. I go to help him, and I notice that he has typed the line above EXACTLY as it is on his paper. He didn't put his own made me chuckle...and I didn't correct him. I figured I'd give the teacher a chuckle too. SERIOUSLY???


Last night, I was driving. I was exiting the interstate. I went to stop at the light. It was wet outside. My car slid...did a complete 180. I was pretty sure it was going to flip over. It scared me a little. didn't flip over...and it didn't even go off the road. Jeeps can turn on a dime.


There's a possibility that a club my grandma belongs to is going to give me a huge chunk of what I need for Team in Training...more on that later...


joke for you: It came off my package of oatmeal today...

What has a lot of ears but does not hear?

Now go check the it!!!!


rose said...

a cornfield!!!

Anonymous said...

rose ur a nerd, but i still love u and miss u