Wednesday, September 27, 2006

not sure what to think.

I just turned on the news...well, not really the was the Today Show...

The fashion segment was on. Apparantly, 80's fashion is coming back in full force. The new styles are a bit "softer," though. Right. Has anybody looked at pictures from the 80's? Does it look like a decade we want to bring back in style? I mean, I love the 80's. The music was cool...the toys were was all in all a good time. Slap bracelets? YEAH! I wonder if it will soon be cool to tight roll my jeans. OH I HOPE SO! haha. Will mullets come back? That would be super...That's one of my favorite past times...hunting mullets. K...that's when you know I'm cool.

I just went to google...they had a cupcake for one of the Os. I think it's there birthday. Hope it's a good one google. I like you. Gmail is awesome. Blogger is pretty sweet too...well basically everything you do is sweet...I decided to check it out...guess I'm on top of things. I wished google a happy birthday last year. It was their 7th birthday.


ha...good thing I use original wording. This is what I said last year about google:

I guess today is Google's 7th birthday. Be sure to send them a card. I like google. Why? I like their search engine...I like blogger...I like gmail...they are just sweet.

Sweet is a good word...and I'm glad google can be sweet.

So, I'm having a little bit of a struggle. I was totally planning on staying in town this weekend. Why? you ask...My cousin is having a deep fry party on Saturday. I missed it last year because I had to go out for somebody's birthday. Plus, Sunday is Monon Madness. What is that, you ask? It's just a bunch of running on the monon with a bunch of different people. I need to get a long run in...and I like long runs with lots of people better than I do long runs with no people. my cousin is probably reading this...and she will tell me to stay :).

My dad is going to Knoxville this weekend. You know what that means? He will have to drive through Lexington. I could hitch a free ride down there. That is significant since I drive a Jeep...and it's expensive to get anywhere. (thank God gas prices have gone down a little.) Soo...getting to Lexington means getting hang out with all those peeps down there...and possibly go CLIMBING! I talked to Wes, who is a climber down there...and he is going to the Lebowski Festival in Louisville on Friday...meeting up with Dana. He said I could ride with him up with that...and then ride with him to the Red Saturday...and maybe even Sunday. I really like climbing.

I'll figure it out today. I have to. My dad leaves tomorrow.

I wish people hadn't been sucked into myspace...and that people still read this blog. I'm too stubborn to post in both places. Haha.

I just did a spell check...did you know mullet is not in the dictionary?


Anonymous said...

Doh! from Homer Simpson is in the dictionary though, look it up.

Jim Rodenbeck said...

"Mullet" is in the Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus. It comes as a Gadget on my Mac. Gadgets are one of the things I love most about Mac OS X.

By the way, I have a pair of free tickets I am giving away for the Carmel Symphony Orchestra concert this Saturday evening. Check out for details.

Have a great one!


Jim Rodenbeck said...

By the way, just to set the record straight, today is Google's 8th birthday.

I know; technicalities.


Anonymous said...

ROSE! YOU HAVE TO COME TO OUR PARTY! It's once a year and you missed a great time last year. You can go climbing some other time, but you can't go to a deep fry party but one day a year.

rose said... are right...deep fry parties aren't every day. :)

Jim...The thing about google's 7th b-day was what I wrote last year. :) Don't think I will be in town on saturday...and if I am...I'll be at a deep fry party. Are you still playing the symphony?

aryn...I will. :)

Anonymous said...

You're just mad that you can't log on to myspace at work anymore, but I have figured out how to override the system, bwahahahahahah


rose said...

do tell...

Anonymous said...

I'm all about the 80's and how awesome they are, but I have to agree....the fashions need not return. Although, how much would I love to wear two different color socks on each foot again. ha.....

Anonymous said...

my brother and google have the same birthday ... neat

Anonymous said...

Hey you figured out what you wanted to do this weekend you wanted to come see ME!!!! Cause you are my possy!!! And you wanted to go climbing....I hated 80s clothes by the way but I still have some for 80's parties