Monday, January 17, 2005

What the hell?

I think this is is funny that we even considered this at all.. Here is the the title of this article...

U.S. Mulled Gay Sex Weapon

mulled means seriously consider....and here is the caption for the article:

The Pentagon proposal called for drug to spur homosexual activity among the enemy.

Here is a link to the article..

and now here is a little section of it:

The idea of fostering homosexuality among the enemy figured in a declassified six-year, $7.5 million request from a laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio for funding of non-lethal chemical weapon research. The proposal, disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information request, called for developing chemicals affecting human behavior "so that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely affected." "One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior," said the document, obtained by the Sunshine Project. The watchdog group posted the partly blacked-out, three-page document on its Web site.

Funny..funny..funny...who sits around and can we beat the enemy...oh I know!!!!
LET'S MAKE THEM GAY!!!!!!!! now..let's ask the government for 7.5 million to fund this... The article said this ideas was "spurned." That means it was rejected...but makes me laugh.


Anonymous said...

After reading this article I find myself asking the question, "where do we draw the line?" We have starving and homeless families in our nation. We don't have enough money to fund music or art programs in our schools. How can our government expect us to except a study that is so unbielevably rediculous. Come on now "a drug to make a person gay" I thought you had to be born that way. Next there will be a drug to make you fly. How do we know it really works? Is there a bunch of subject invoulved in a study somewhere waiting to see if they will become homesexuals???

... said...

I think the halitosis idea is even more ludicrous. Look at the general populus in Iraq or Afghanistan, or anywhere else where we fight a battle especially on the grounds that we're "freeing" a repressed people. Do you think these people brush their teeth daily? Hell, probably half our country is guilty of not doing that. I guess it proposes a good dental slogan for the country, though: "Brush your teeth or DIE!" or how about "Bad breath kills. Literally."

Anonymous said...

JB's opinion is that no one is born gay. Neither is there a pill that will turn one gay. (unless you take gay to mean happy!!-snicker-) Personal opinion: Homosexuality is a product of environment. A lifestyle choice, if you will.

What makes me madder is that the government DID fund a study to see which garden vegetable is the smartest. After who knows how much cash, it was determined that broccoli is the smartest vegetable. WOW!! What a waste. Does anyone sleep better knowing that? I don't really believe the findings anyway. I don't think garden vegetables have any ganglia or brains, although I don't have a PhD. This is what happens when a Central Government (Federal) gets out of control and realizes it can vote money to whomever it desires(including the congress!).