Friday, February 25, 2005

men are from mars....

So, a quiz I had on a previous post sparked a bit of discussion. I want to move it to the front to see what more we can get going. What do you think about the differences about men and women? I think the quiz was more based on stereotypes (obviously). I think that stereotypically I am not that girly. I like that. I don't want to be girlie. I also don't want to be the same as men. I think that equal rights are necessary. I think we have that now. I do think that women should have the same pay as men in the same positions as them. Ok..that was kind of random. This is my comment on this. Let me show you the comments we have had so far.

.....Next, I am painfully offended by the boy brain/girl brain quiz. Games, quizzes, non-reseearch based 'self help' books, etc. completely reinforce sexual stereotypes!! Every meta-analytical text has supported the notion that more differences in cognitive ability exist between individuals than between the sexes!!! Of course, such research is not readily available to the public because who would want to buy a book entitled: "Both Men and Women are from Mars, but women's history of oppression and subordination has forced them to Venus: the lesser planet"?

Perhaps I should pursue educational psychology so I can implement gender studies programs for prepubescent children!

Ok, off my soap box and time to study!
Lotsa Lovin' -KRV


...remember the iron? Poor miguel...


Actually, both men and women are from earth.

Rosie? How come you have a rash of people that are just taking things too seriously? Man! Have some fun people.

To KRV. Actually, men and women are different. Neither is superior to the other, just diffent. Rather thean railing against, and in effect, ignoring those differences, my suggestion is to maximize them. That makes life more fun!

Nobody says men or women are superior to the other, just different.

EMBRACE YOUR WOMANHOOD! Use your feminine wiles to their maximum capability!



I agree with JB. Men and women are totally different. I have been pregnant 3 times and I pity men because they cannot enjoy the joys of being a woman. We get to cook, clean, birth children, take care of the children, do the laundry, and make sure out husbands look good, all while our husbands sit and enjoy TV and a beer. (ha ha)

Seriously, be glad you are different than men, just imagine being one. I also agree that all people are different not just gender. We would live in a boring world if we weren't different.


Ok..let's get some fun started....

go at it!


Anonymous said...

-POP- ....Oh! Is that a can of worms I hear being opened? lol.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that I read the book... It is book on communication, and maturity between partners. Actually I read a couple of the books.

For someone to comment on this subject, you have to be mature about this. I agree that women should have the same jobs and pay as men. They should be held to the same standards and have the same job requirements. Don't ask me to scrub the floor for you! Don't ask me to take the trash out for you! Oh you say, your body is made for this stuff and mine isn't. Well you wanted equality so live with it. Oh, you can't stand digging out a fox hole and living in the field for a month watching your closest friend die in front of you as bullets are flying over your head.. Well live with it sister, next week we are jumping out of a good plane to land in Iran now that we are done with Iraq. We are not going to see our kids for another 8 months! No hot food either, No Hot Chocolate, No Starbucks! I missed Christmas, and when I got picked up from the airport to be home, I got yelled at for not having timet to go Christmas shopping or get you a card! Bullsh@@ on the equality! You want it.. I will hold you too it!

You know who.... Capt America

Anonymous said...

Oh... Can of worms has been opened! lol....


Anonymous said...

Capt. America's point, while emotionally based, does bear some consideration.

All of us who have been in the military know that the women aren't held to the same standard as men. Look at how many pushups and sit ups they have to do to pass the PT test. It is a different standard than men.

Men and women are not equal. They are different. There are things that men are better suited to do than women, like put on an 80 pound backpack and walk 12 miles into battle. There are other things women are better suited to do than men.

We need to get over the equality thing, in my opinion. Realize that the sexes are different and embrace those differences. (That could be taken the wrong way... lol) It is not a question of who is superior or not. It is a question of suitability to different tasks. If we understand our differences, and, in fact, cherish rather than obfuscate them, we can all work together better to achieve a common purpose.

Incidently, sex is not the only point of division. For instance, there are things older people are better suited to doing than younger and vice-versa. It would be silly for an older person to ignore the fact that he is 80 and try to do things that are better suited for a 22 y.o. In fact, military standards are different depending on age group as well!

To summarize, our differences are what gives us the ability to work together so well. As a great writer said, (paraphrase) "The foot cannot say to the eye, I have no need of you."

In closing - WHOOOHOOO.


rose said...

I believe that there are physical difference between men and women (ha obviously). I do think that women and men do not really have differences when it comes to what their brain is capable of doing. For example, I had a lady tell me once to talk slower when quizzing these kids because while the boys could understand what I was saying, the girls couldn't. She said (in front of the young girls I may add) "We just aren't made that way." I had to bite my tongue.. Anyway, I think this is what KRV was getting at. I don't know...

Anonymous said...

All I know is, if I tell my foot where to talk, by all means he better! The eye saw a nail!

The Foot

Anonymous said...

Did you just say, girls are not a quick to understand and comprehend what is being said?

I heard that.. Good job to the boys.


Anonymous said...

Ummmm...let me clarify...
my boy brain has the ability to learn anything a boy brain could...

Anonymous said...

(what goes on in Thom's (mostly) manly brain)

Would I like to participate in this conversation, hmm reminds me of a conversation I saw before in pulp fiction:
VINCENT: Marvin, what do you make of all this?

MARVIN: I don't even have an opinion.

VINCENT: C'mon, Marvin. Do you think God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets?

(Vincent's .45 goes BANG! Marvin is hit in the upper chest, below the throat. He GURGLES blood and SHAKES.)
Nope, definetly don't want to get into this discussion.


Anonymous said...

Awwww. C'mon Thom!! I was REALLY looking forward to reading what you had to say!!