Wednesday, September 14, 2005

funny thing in the news the other day...

*The other day, while I was on my lunch break, I was watching the news. They were interviewing some guy about a license branch closing in Gary, IN. I think that it is kind of random that they would close the one license branch in Gary. I mean, that is a pretty good sized city. I guess that the residents of Gary will have to drive about 4-6 miles out of Gary to get to a branch. Ok...that's not the funny thing... While they were interviewing this guy...the news guy asked him what the impact would be for the people of Gary. The interviewee (is that a word) said that it would really put a strain on the people. It would be really hard for those without transporation to get th the BMV. me crazy...but why do you go to the BMV? Seems that it is for transporation licensing...right? So you most likely would have transportation to get there.... I don't think he thought before that comment.

*I started tutoring privately yesterday. I have been tutoring in the MAC...and then an oppurtunity came up to tutor a lady in math. Sweet... I definitely need more people to tutor. I am going to tutor her 2 hours a week...1 in math...and 1 in chemistry...and I will make $40 a week. I am charging on the cheap side...sooo send people my way. I wish I would have discovered the gold mine that is private tutoring earlier...

*K...that's all for now.

1 comment:

... said...

Yea but if you want to buy a car you need a valid driver's license... to get that you need to drive... to drive you need a car... to get a car you need a license...

a conundrum if I eva seen one.

I was going to tutor a girl for free once, but instead she dropped out and gave my # to a gay mexican dude named Juan who called me for like a year before I finally told him to stop.