Friday, September 16, 2005

I wonder how Aaron Carter's career is doing?

*That, my friends, was one of the many topics at lunch yesterday. Anybody have a clue about that? I guess we could google it...but seriously? It's Aaron Carter. Well, now I'm curious...I have to google it...hold on. OK...I guess he is in some movie...Supercross. That's about all I have got for you. Did he really ever have a career? The most I remember hearing about him was something about Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff fighting over him. Oh! the drama. Did how is career was going really ever matter? I think not...

*I ask you guys this...if you are someone who is obsessive about flipping their mattress...and you want to flip it the same way everytime so you didn't have to remember which way to flip it next to utilize every inch of your there a way to do that? hmmm....think about the math...see what you come up with...I'll hit you back next time with the answer. I know the suspense is killing you. I know that these sentences made as much sense as the teachers on Peanuts. whatever.

*I was thinking last night about a paper I wrote my sophomore year of high school. I am going to look for it. Maybe I'll post it on here sometime. I used to be big into reading about creation science. Now...I am more into looking at the evolution side. The paper I did was on why creationism should be taught in public schools. It basically was more of an evolution bashing paper. Good stuff. I have read it from time to time over the years...and it always makes me chuckle. Something else that makes me chuckle is when i say I really like Darwin...and people give me the look of death. Now that's priceless. Priceless!

I wanted to leave you with something random...I've got abstract algebra on the google I I searched for abstract algebra...and this is what i got...

What??? That's not abstract algebra...oh well....

Do I make any sense at all? I think my brain is just out there somewhere...


rose said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now i need the number...

Anonymous said...

I can't get enough of inegration explained on a blog site. Nice Work!!!!!

rose said...

Hey eric. :) integration...mmmm...

Anonymous said...

yeah, I told my grandparents last night that I might vote democratic...pretty sure they gave me the same death stare that you're referring to...

Anonymous said...

I believe I'll get that same death stare if I become Catholic :)


Anonymous said...

As I am a little obsessive about most things, I am the mattress flipper. I have a list of things you should always do but everyone forgets, I do them all the same time I set my clocks forward or back (another great use of DST)

Flip mattress
Replace batteries in smoke alarms
Backup files on all work and home PC's

Then I do some other stuff like make sure tires have been rotated, clean out all single sox, make a donation to a charity, change furnace filters, etc.


um... yeah... said...

yay for DST! although thom, i think it's hilarious that that may be your biannual reminder to give to charity. i don't know you from adam, but i'm just picturing someone being like, "ooh! i have to change my clocks tonight! where's my checkbook?"

rose, you've officially lost me with your math speak. no offense, but i just skim right past that there. haha

okay i need a nap. what else are sundays good for?