Friday, January 07, 2005

how about them apples!

It seems that these days "Christians" are more worried about converting other "Christians" to their religion than they are worried about people that are non-Christians. The Lutherans can't get along with the Methodists, the Pentecostals can't get along with Presbryterians, and most baptist just cant get along with anybody else, and nobody likes the Catholics. Why is that? I don't recall ever reading anything that says that there are all kinds of different Christian religions in the bible. Actually, I do believe it says exactly the opposite.

In Ephesians 4:1-5 it says:
Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord,implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.

It seems that is pretty clear that we need to work together and stop fighting on who is right and who is wrong. Honestly, how can we be certain that we are right? Aren't we supposed to be living a life through faith? If we truely knew we were right, why would we need faith?
I think many people who profess to be Christians are not being affective in actual reaching people because they are too busy trying to convert their Christian brothers. Non-Christians see this too. They think it is ridiculous the amount of different kinds of churches that are out there. They don't understand the differences and honestly, I dont really understand the differences either. We are all Christians! What rules we do or do not believe in doesnt really matter. There is one way to Christ and frankly, all churches that profess Christianity pretty much have that way right. STOP FIGHTING!!! there is one Lord and one Faith! one Baptism, one God and Father! Not 1 million different kinds of get over your differences and start working together! Wouldnt it be nice to see a Protestant church actually working with a Catholic church to perform local ministries? I would love to see it. Sadly, I am not sure it will ever happen.


Caleb Reeve said...

If you are actually interested and open to the subject of "so many religions" you can contact some Latter-Day Saint missionaries. They will tell you about the Apostacy and how the truths of the True Gospel were lost with the deaths of the apostles of old. The Latter-Day Saints believe that God has called Prophets and Apostles again. With the calling of these Prophets and Apostle came the Restoration of the Gospel of Christ and the Authority to act in the name of the Lord. You may be able to find more info at Mormons are Christans. I agree with you that it is a mess and that it is confusing about why it is like this. But i belive that you can find out and that the Holy Ghost with tell us the trith of all things. See St. John 14:26 i think it is. Have a nice day and I hope you find the answers you are looking for.

Anonymous said...

JB - Goodness! I believe somebody missed the point of the blog!!

I wrote a paper on the cult of the Latter Day Saints, or Mormonism. I must say, it was quite well received by the 5 people that read it.



Kyle said...

That's interesting. I don't often see people of different denominations bothering to fight over their differing practices or distinguishing doctrines. Do you run into that quite a bit?

rose said...

Yes I have. I grew up very conservative Baptist..and when I switched to a non-baptist church i got ripped apart. It was crazy, they were trying to get me back to the real truth. I just think it would be awesome to get away from all that.